If the civil aircraft carries cargo, a manifest and detailed declarations of the cargo; and. 载有货物的民用航空器,其所载货物的舱单和明细的申报单;
Kenya claimed ownership of the cargo but the manifest suggests its destination was south Sudan, with Kenya's co-operation in its delivery to be rewarded in the future with cheap south Sudanese oil. 肯尼亚声称他们拥有这些货物的所有权,但运单上却显示目的地是南苏丹,肯尼亚只是在运输过程中有着合作的关系,在将来可能得到便宜的南苏丹原油来做为奖赏。
Additional Cargo List There'd be no point in submitting documents to the customs before they have the ship's manifest. 在海关没有拿到船舶的载货清单以前去提呈申报是没有用的。
He's got a stateroom listed as a cargo hold on the manifest. 他将头等舱伪造成装货物的仓库。
Cargo manifest for all departing flights please. 检查所有即将离岸的货物舱单。